teachers were discussing something amongst themselves. Suddenly Miss Clara said, "Don't stare at us, it is most impolite." John immediately lowered his eyes and watched his feet for the rest of the session, trying to look as demure as possible.
Finally he was dismissed. John curtseyed again and left for his room. There he undressed quickly, put on his nightgown and set the alarm clock. Very soon he fell into a deep, well-earned slumber.
The next morning John awoke refreshed and happy. Where the day before he had been nervous about what was going to happen, he now knew he had nothing to worry about. He realized that as long as he did what was expected of him, he would be treated well. And John never did mind hard work even if it was limited to feminine chores. He thought, "After all, this with being a girl." goes Quickly he got up and took a nice long bath with plenty of good smelling perfume in it. He carefully went over his body, to see whether there was any unsightly hair. Then he put on his underwear and sat in front of the mirror in order to put on makeup. John thought, "Remarkable how my facial hair is disappearing. I really do not have to shave today." Just to make sure, however, he gave it the once over with a depilatory and then started with his makeup. He remembered that he had to look real well groomed and that his mistresses would inspect him.
Then looking at his daily schedule he saw that he was due in the gym room at 6:00. He barely had time to slip off his undies and get into a flaming red leotard. It fit him perfectly, and looked feminine in so far as his hips and waistline were concerned. However the bust line left something to be desired in this tight garment. Although there was evidence of some nice mounds, a lot of improvement would be needed there.
He reported exactly on the dot to Miss Clara, who was waiting for him. She was wearing an old fashioned pair of bloomers and white blouse. "Slightly ridiculous at her age," thought John. But he had no time for further thought, because pretty soon Miss Clara was drilling him like he was in the marines.
First she went through all kinds of calisthenics with John. Then she noticed John's bust-line and said that they would be spending 15 minutes every day at least to improve the chest muscles. John had never done any feminine exercises before but he was quick to catch on. He had to do exercises to improve the tone of his tummy muscles, reduce his thighs, and then back to his walking exercises. He was wearing ballet slippers and still had a tendency to take too long steps. Miss Clara hit him hard in the calves a couple of times and that reminded him quickly to watch this detail carefully. After a while Miss Clara was satisfied with his stance and movements.
"Remember always to move gracefully. You must 'glide,' she would say, not 'march.' Let's hear those bells on your wrist. Then a session of 'get up, sit down."" John thought, "If I do this every morning, I will be fit as never before."
To his surprise Miss Clara then took him to the wood railing at the end of the room attached to the wall. He learned that he was to be given ballet lessons and exercises, to make his movements more controlled and gracefully feminine. "They certainly go about this thoroughly," he thought. "They seem to have a lot of experience in this transformation business." He wondered how many males before him had gone through this and emerged perfectly feminine specimens. Pretty soon he was dead tired of all these new exercises. Miss Clara kept shouting commands and John obeyed till he was totally out of breath.
Finally he was dismissed. He went back to his room and took another shower. All his muscles seemed to ache. But still he felt healthy and fit.
Just when he was ready to slip into a fresh morning uniform, Miss Clara came in with a heavily boned white corset.
"I forgot to help you into this." With that she proceeded to clasp the garment around John's waist and began tightening it. She had no mercy when John started to complain and when she was finally finished and knotted the laces; John felt like a cell just having reproduced by division.
After Miss Clara left and John had finished dressing he noted in the mirror how much his already quite feminine figure had improved. And happily he went to the dining room to set the breakfast table and then to the kitchen to help Miss Mary.
She greeted him with a friendly "good morning" and looked approvingly at his neatly starched uniform and snow white apron.
John blushed a little but inside he was pleased and soon was involved in the various chores demanded of him. After serving breakfast to the Ladies and having cleared the table, he went to the kitchen to serve Jim and William, who were there waiting.
He saw that Jim liked what he saw and this made John very happy. He was becoming very fond of his new girlish figure, even though it was feeling awfully tight.
After breakfast and having tidied up the kitchen, Miss Mary dismissed him, so John went to his room to see what was next on his schedule. Dressed as he was he entered the living room where Miss Betty was already waiting for him. After his usual polite curtsey John was asked to sit down, which he did, neatly straightening out the skirt of his uniform under him. Miss Betty praised him for his neat appearance and then outlined the various subjects which she would teach. These included sewing, as well as fine needlepoint work, embroidering, protocol from the angle of a woman, feminine